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Join VP's 2023 AGM!
You are invited to be Among Us at VP's 2023 AGM
You Are Cordially Invited to VP's Superfantabulous Techiefanamulous Artsolalamulous 2023 AGM
Food! Reports! Slideshow! PeopleTalking! Wine! Chairs! Chairs!! Chairs!!!
Prepare for the excitement of an AGM but beware the Agenda! Meet with VP Staff and Board online or via The Output as you attempt to learn about the 2022-23 year and our thrilling new plans for thriving... but be careful. One or more random members among the attendees are going to want to get even more involved and deepen their connection to being.... Among Us!
Please RSVP with the link or email info@videopool.org
- Call to Order
- Approval of the Agenda
- Introductions + Welcome
- Approval of Minutes from Nov 20, 2022 AGM
- Report from the Board Chair
- Executive Director’s Report
- Departmental Reports
- Financial Report for year ending June 30, 2023.
- Appointment of Auditor for 2023/24
- Nominations and Election of the Board of Directors
- Motion to Adjourn