Journeys - an Online Screening

Friday July 18 - Sunday July 20, 2021

Between Friday, July 18 and Sunday July 20, three videos from Video Pool’s distribution archive were available to watch online. Thanks for watching everyone!

Winnipeg to Saskatoon by Brenna George


2009, 2:20
A road trip video. The Canadian prairie landscape is sketched in simple forms in this on-the-move approach to landscape art.

Missed the online screening? Watch Winnipeg to Saskatoon on VUCAVU now!

Journey Through Fear by Dennis Jackson

1998, 5:53
The story follows an old Aboriginal mushom (grandfather) as he checks his week’s worth of traps while hunting along the shoreline. As he ventures out with his dog sled team, he reflects on how he got where he is. The expansion of communities has pushed his trap line further north just as his father before him. While at the fishing hole, he encounters a large black bear jumping out of the shoreline. His only chance is to run to the sled to get his rifle. The faster he runs, the closer the bear gets.

 2004, 2:04

A collage of found film footage degraded by the artist and time.