Allison Hrabluik: The Pit Bar, Dawson City
July 21 – August 18, 2006 - Platform Centre for Photographic and Digital Arts

The Pit Bar, Dawson City
by Allison Hrabluik
July 21 – August 18, 2006
Platform Centre for Photographic and Digital Arts
021-100 Arthur Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Closing reception: August 17, 7 pm
The Pit Bar, Dawson City deconstructs the seamless representation of perspective and movement in traditional video. Artist Allison Hrabluik meticulously constructs a miniature, three-dimensional stage with paper cut-outs of figures taken from each frame of her original video and recreates her source footage using stop motion techniques. The video will be installed alongside its toy-like theatrical set and paper figures, providing viewers with a glimpse of the artistic process. The Pit Bar features Canadian indie-rock stars The Constantines and was recorded in Dawson City.
Allison Hrabluik is a Toronto-based multimedia and video artist. She has shown her work at venues nationally and internationally, such as the Dawson City International Film Festival; Mercer Union, Toronto; Downtown Artspace, Adelaide, Australia.