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The Output Test booking form (to be deleted) Contact Us The Pivot Booking Form Please fill out the form to book your event. Step 1 of 3 – CONTACT 0% Contact DetailsName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Phone(Required)Address(Required)…

2024 AGM

We’re gonna do an AGM!

We’d love to see you at our 2024 AGM where we will recap the 2023-24 year tantalize you with what’s to come!

Welcome Sasha Kucas!

VP Education is BACK!

We are thrilled to announce that Sasha Kucas has joined the VP team, helping to develop a bold new education program at VP. We’ll have some exciting news about this very soon and until then…

Lights On The Exchange

Festival Closing Night Event!

Taking place at The Output, join us for this closig night event for the Lights on the Exchange Festival, featuring 3 gorgeous A/V performances from four artists!

Job Posting: Education Contract

VP is seeking applications for an Education Program Development (EPD) contract position. The position will be the lead in developing a new HyFlex Learning (Hybrid/Flexible) educational program for VP and will include: HyFlex research and development, program conceptualization and development, instructor training and recruitment, grant-writing and funding research, partnership development, and technical implementation.
pixelated classroom or lab in the style of a 1980's video game

Education Application Form 2024

VP is seeking applications for an Education Program Development (EPD) contract position. The position will be the lead in developing a new HyFlex Learning (Hybrid/Flexible) educational program for VP and will include: HyFlex research and development, program conceptualization and development, instructor training and recruitment, grant-writing and funding research, partnership development, and technical implementation.

Y2K Smasher’s Bash Fundraiser

A VP Fundraiser for our NEW SPACE!

JOIN US on January 19th for VP’s Birthday Party fundraiser, closing out our 40th year of existence! The Y2K Smasher’s Bash will feature a cross-section of artwork from the VP collection from the 2000’s and 2010’s, music by Vav Jungle with DJ Beekeeni as well as VR games, and your chance to win prizes, including participating in the SMASHER’S BASH where you can vent your frustrations on selected items.

Kim's Convenience still shot putting up a CLOSED sign

VP Holiday Closure

Yep it’s true… VP will be closed Dec 16 – Jan 8th. You are welcome to send us holiday cheer via email or snail mail, and any questions you have will hopefully be ok to wait until January!

Happy Holidays from all of us at VPMAC