MARCC at the Fringe

Video Pool Media Art Centre is a proud member of the Manitoba Artist Run Centres Coalition (MARCC). Each year MARCC sets up exhibits in shipping containers during the Winnipeg Fringe Festival on Albert Street between Bannatyne and McDermot.

Viewing Method Group – Distance Marks Time. This year we are excited to present the work of the Viewing Method Group, Thor Aitkenhead, Greg Hanec and Brian Longfield; Distance Marks Time.

Instant Coffee – artist collective presentation

IMG_1841Instant Coffee is a service-oriented artist collective based in Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Through formal installations and event-based activities, we build a public place to practice, where ideas, materials and actions can be explored outside of the isolated studio and in a manner that renegotiates traditional exhibition structures, but is still supported by them. Instant Coffee’s frequent practice is to build architectural installations, which become venues
for a series of organized events from formal lectures and screenings to informal gatherings and workshops. Each installation requires hosts who initiate some form of social interaction through the presentation and performance of ideas that pertain to artistic production and discourse.

International Women’s Day Online Screening

Video Pool invites you to celebrate International Women’s Day 2015 with us by watching three videos online for free by three talented artists in our distribution catalogue. For this online screening we have for you: The Avoidance of Destruction: An Alternative by Sarah-Lynne Otsuji, Brief Encounters and Sustained Engagement by Freya Björg Olafson, Eye Eye Captain! (Eau Claire) by Shawn Olin Jordan. Available for viewing from Friday, March 6 at 5pm to Sunday March 8 only! Watch, enjoy and please share!

Dry Media – A Herbarium Group Art Exhibition

During a cold weekend in November, a group of Winnipeg artists gained access to the University of Manitoba Herbarium – a biorepository of dried, preserved plant specimens for scientific study. After exploring themes of bioart and botanical illustration through the ages, they dove into the plant collection. These artists viewed botanical specimens under microscopes, captured images with a microscope camera or camera lucida. In time, they fell under the plants’ spell…

Artist Talk: Cyborg Plants with Michael Lucenkiw

In the age of the internet of things, a wide spread sensory enhanced landscape is a highly plausible occurrence. How can a designer interact with technology to create place in this new environment? What will this environment be like? What does this mean for plant life? To tackle these questions, a cyborg plant was created that integrates with sensors and is capable of detecting several environmental conditions as well as the bio-electrical inside the plant.

Prairie Winters – Online Screening

Video Pool was very excited to be able to share The Tooth Maker by Amalie Atkins, Imprint by Leah Decter and Threshold Economics by Hope Peterson for 48 hours only!
From Friday, January 16 at 5pm to Sunday, January 18 these three videos from our distribution archive were available for everyone to watch online for free.

Watch Caroline Monnet Artist Talk

Watch – Caroline Monnet – Artist Talk

From September 5 – 27, 2014 Video Pool Media Arts Centre presented “Amik(waa)”, an installation by multi-disciplinary artist Caroline Monnet. The show took place at Gurevich Fine Art in association with their exhibition “In Celebration of Women’s Art” in recognition of Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art’s (MAWA) 30th anniversary.
In this talk Monnet discusses her work “Amik(waa)”. The installation investigates the connections between the inherent knowledge of Monnet’s Algonquin ancestry — the Beaver Clan — and the natural world. Monnet’s sacred eight pointed geometric and mirrored installation echoes the ceremonial lodge of her ancestors, sharpening our visual and metaphysical conditions that allow us to view the past, the present and the future as a mirrored and personally reflective surface. With the inclusion of an audible soundscape, the installation invites all our senses to partake in an experience that spans across generations and cultures, and connects the beaver to the knowledge she holds sacred.