Video Pool Media Arts Centre is pleased to announce our upcoming Media Art + Technology Residency (MATR). MATR is designed to be a site-specific exploration of VP’s intimate Poolside Gallery where artists will have up to six weeks to develop and install a new work that responds to and utilizes the gallery’s characteristics. MATR specifically supports experimental, independent, technology-based works and we welcome submissions that focus on a large variety of mediums, approaches, and aesthetics.
Category: Residencies (page 2)
The Life of a Party & Unraveling || Lee Jones & Greta Grip
MATR recipients || Lee Jones & Greta Grip
Media Arts + Technology Residency – Call for Applications
The theme for MATR this year will be (de)PRESS(i)ON, and is a part of a year-long program celebrating and exploring VP’s 40th anniversary, what we are referring to as our Mid-life Crisis™. The VP mid-life crisis™ series will feature programs from the six stages of a typical mid-life crisis: Denial, Passion; Replay, Depression, Withdrawal, and Acceptance.
For MATR, we are asking artists to “Press On” with us… to persist, continue and to advance technology-based art while delving into the past 4 decades of VP history.
Scott Leroux Fund 2022 recipient || Valeri Marina
Video Commission Residency 2022 screening
VP is excited to announce the screening of four new videos created by the recipients of the Video Commission Residency for 2022! VCR is a residency for the creation and exploration of experimental screen-based work.
Featuring new work by Warren Chan, Plutoe Ilunga, Sarah Boo, and Jaye Kovac, please join us for the premiere of these gorgeous new works.
The VCR Program ran from June 15 – August 15, 2022. The VCR program is a residency for the creation and exploration of experimental screen-based work.