New titles in our catalogue:

We are super excited to welcome these new titles to distribution!

Evening Escapades by Chantal Rousseau and Darcy Tara McDiarmid (2023, 4:00 min)

still from evening escapades

An adventurous rabbit undertakes an enchanted evening escapade through a mysterious forest trail. The rabbit encounters dreaming wolves, and other mischievous animals as he navigates a midnight mushroom garden.

Evening Escapades is a combination of animated elements and Super 8 footage that was shot in and around Ddhäl Ch'èl Cha Nän / Tombstone Territorial Park in Tr’ondëk Hwëtch’in territory in the Yukon, and then processed with plants harvested from the land


Tomorrow, Today by Hope Peterson (2019, 1:25 min)

pins reading clean teen

Found badge pins from the 1970s bearing activist slogans are animated with a soundtrack from the 2019 climate march in Toronto, Canada. Pre-internet, these pins helped wearers share ideals publicly, and exemplify the optimism of the era. Produced at PIX FILM Gallery, Toronto


Wonderland by Zachery Cameron Longboy (2023, 7:58 min)

A visual poetic collage a place of joy.

He stands in the garden, awaiting his fate and distracted by the beauty

He shouts “Here I am” while pulling his focus close to the chest

He feels the beat of the river while calming his wounds in its cool silvery wash

Awaiting the decision from here to there


For more information about screenings or distribution contact madeline@videopool.orgÂ