AUGUST  2024

Upcoming Screenings:


Starlight Sojourn by Chantal Rousseau and Darcy Tara McDiarmid is screening at WNDX  which will take place October 2-6th, 2024.

Erika MacPherson's video You Are Here/We Are There is part of an upcoming exhibition "The Pluck of Water" at Galerie Buhler Gallery.

This is a group exhibition featuring work by KC Adams, Alexis Auréoline, Jaime Black, Sarah Crawley, Chantal Dupas, Laila Fazal, Noëlla Gauthier, Ariel Gordon, Ted Howarth, Jennine Krauchi, Mathew Lacosse, Erika MacPherson, Tracy Peters, Chuckwudubem Ukaigwe, Katherena Vermette, and Diane Whitehouse.

Curated by hannah_g


(still from Rhayne Vermette, Domus, 2017, image sourced from walkerart.org )

The Walker Art Centre in Minneapolis, MN is screening two videos from the VPMAC catalogue as part of a screening curated by Rhayne Vermette titled Our Winnipeg, Ourselves. Learn more about the event here

Reel Pride International Film Festival is screening A Miscreant Gnome & Other Charlatans by Peter Lynch and Raymond Helkio at their upcoming festival in September

New Titles in Distribution

Signal Storm on the 401 dir. Hope Peterson (2021), 8:20

Speeding down the 401 through a winter storm on the night bus from Toronto to Montreal. The busiest highway in the world—500,000 vehicles a day including oil tankers and transport rigs racing to meet their deadlines. The drones of engines merge with the pings of incoming chat messages. A study in isolation, trust, and high speed connectivity.

Bear Smudge dir. Audie Murray (2022), 35:29

This performance work has an invited audience consisting of the camera, myself, and the full moon and lasts for the duration of fifty minutes, although thirty-five minutes of these actions are shared through documentation. The actions are performed solely for myself, as the experience is too personal to be shared with a larger audience in real time. The full moon is present as they represent the repetition and movement of time through their phases, and the camera is present as a tool to mediate access to the work for those who were not present. The performance begins at sunset so that the altering light is recorded. Near the end of the performance, the natural light of a full moon provides the only illumination of the performance work. The eventual lack of light makes the visibility of the performance more difficult, this is an integral part of the piece because it adds to the conceptual layers of the work by using both the material of bear grease and source of light as a tool of concealment.

If you're interested in inquiring about the works in our catalogue please contact madeline@videopool.org