October 2024
Upcoming Screenings:

NO MOON TONIGHT by Laura Ohio is screening at Antimatter [media art] Festival which will take place October 17-26th, 2024.
Erika MacPherson's video You Are Here/We Are There is part of an ongoing exhibition at Galerie Buhler Gallery.
This is a group exhibition featuring work by KC Adams, Alexis Auréoline, Jaime Black, Sarah Crawley, Chantal Dupas, Laila Fazal, Noëlla Gauthier, Ariel Gordon, Ted Howarth, Jennine Krauchi, Mathew Lacosse, Erika MacPherson, Tracy Peters, Chuckwudubem Ukaigwe, Katherena Vermette, and Diane Whitehouse. Curated by hannah_g
Pleasure Project in Melbourne, AU is screening Lesbian National Parks & Services: A Force of Nature by Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan at their Queer Ecologies Film Night on October 17, 2024
5468796 Architecture presented a screening curated by Lawrence Bird which featured There Was a City by Sylvia Matas, Homogeneity by Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan, and Perdere: to lose, to waste, to destroy by Manufacturing Entertainment for Nuit Blanche on September 28, 2024.
New Titles in Distribution
River Revelations dir. Chantal Rousseau and Darcy Tara McDiarmid (2024), 5:30
Along a sacred river’s edge, enchanted animals navigate mysterious landscapes along a trail from deep time. Starlight and lightening reveal the interchange of ancient peoples and the animals that have the care of the earth. As the animals traverse through the seasons of life, they learn that knowledge is power and that the land still speaks to us. The land still speaks to us!
Trace of Freedom dir. Grace Han (2024), 6:57
In this physical performance, the artist engaged with 360kg of black and white clay, symbolizing two distinct cultures. Through intense bodily movements, she blended the clay, representing my journey to let go of cultural divisions and find freedom in self-identity. The performance reflects the emotional struggle of belonging.
Handsome Devil dir. Daniel Barrow (2024), 4:35
Barrow uses Amiga software from the late 1980s (DeluxePaint 4) to create this romantic pink and green story of a "sissy devil" who probes the depths of internet intelligence, composing an “advanced search” on an antiquated search engine. Simultaneously, a naked, green, feminine artist traces the contours of her devilish destiny on her sketch pad, and then within an imaginary dating app. The “advanced search” becomes a kind of contemporary, queer, love poem.
If you're interested in inquiring about the works in our catalogue please contact madeline@videopool.org