Tundrunning by Dominique Rey (2011), 2:50
Tundrunning is part of a larger project titled Erlking of a malevolent figure whose beguiling power pulls us inextricably in; calling the unsuspecting traveler to her fate in the depths of the wilderness. In this tragicomic piece, the mask and the act of performance play important roles as vehicles of self-transformation and self-definition in order to explore and confront the other within.
Numb by Kristin Flattery (2018), 4:06
Numb, questions Kanata’s relationship with Indigenous peoples, allowing the viewer to contemplate the next 150 year relationship. Numb, regards the children who fled Residential School in freezing temperatures using the railway to guide them. Numb, also pays homage to my Dakota ancestors who were dispossessed of their land and forced to move in harsh temperatures to unfavorable or inhabitable areas lacking resources. Finally, it pays tribute to a young woman who was brutally assaulted and fled barefoot into the woods where she perished.
Prizzly by Evin Collis (2016), 6:35
A team of beleaguered hockey players and a hybrid prizzly bear interact one bitterly cold night in the depths of winter in a desolate northern settlement. Themes of place, identity, isolation, the body in distress and survival are explored in this raucous puppet animation.
If you're interested in inquiring about the works in our catalogue please contact madeline@videopool.org