Expressing oneself through code
Coding Beyond the Screen

Workshop Details:
Date: Wed. December 2, 2020 (7pm-8pm) CST
Location: Online
Cost: FREE
Limit: 100 participants
Instructor: Kofi Oduro
Code is Poetry, Code is Expression. A translation between mind and machine.
In this workshop, participants will see how coding can be used in musical, performative and literary arts. By using tools such as livecodingYoutube, Hydra, and Sonic Pi to name a few. They will see how expressive and creative code will with the benefit of seeing how it can be use in a collaborative setting. Participants will see how improvised writing and coding can lead to various outcomes, musically, as well as, how to use network elements to your advantage, when writing or producing work.
Kofi Oduro’s Biography
My artistic practice is an observation of the world around us, that I then put into artworks for others to relate to or disagree with. Through Videography, Poetry and Creative Coding, I try to highlight the realms of the human performance and the human mind in different scenarios. These situations can be described as social, internal, or even biological, which we face in our everyday lives.
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