Frédéric Moffet Screening
7:30 PM Thursday March 24, 2005

Video Pool Media Arts Centre presents
Frédéric Moffet
7:30 PM Thursday March 24, 2005
Video Pool’s Pool Room
100 Arthur Street
Join us for a screening of three recent videos by Montréal/Chicago-based artist Frédéric Moffet. Blurring the line between facts and fantasies, his work investigates the out-of-control body torn between ethics and desires. His videos and films have been shown at festivals and galleries from Zurich to Hong Kong.
Frédéric Moffet will be present to introduce the videos and answer questions after the screening.
Hard Fat, 2002
Gainers are men who purposefully choose to gain wait because they enjoy inhabiting a larger body. Through a conversation with Rick, the World Wide Web’s most popular gainer, the viewer is presented with an intimate portrait of the gainer’s psychological motivation and bodily transformation. In his exploration of issues of bodily control the artist seeks to question our preconceived notions of desire, beauty and masculinity.
– Best Short, Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival (2003)
– Audience Award (ex-aequo), New York Erotic Film Festival (2002)
An Objective Measure of Arousal, 2001
The artist probes the world of clinics specializing in the treatment of sexual offenders. Focusing on the clinical methods of patient evaluation the artist approaches ideas of control and the relationship of the individual to the body.
– Third prize winner international competition, VideoEx, Zurich (2001)
Five O’clock Shadow, 1998
A loosely narrative video, that investigates the shadowy details surrounding a man’s death. The authorities have kept the man’s identity hidden but what can be learned from surrounding events? Five O’clock Shadow exposes the duality and split between the exterior and, often foggy or deliberately hidden interior lives of human beings.
Frédéric Moffet
Frédéric Moffet was born in Montreal. He graduated from Concordia University with a BFA in filmmaking. He received a full scholarship in 1996 to complete a MFA in video at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he presently teaches in the Film, Video and New Media Department.
Meetings with Frédéric Moffet
Interested Video Pool members are invited to meet with Frédéric Moffet for a one on one discussion of their work. Visits will take place on the afternoon of Friday March 24 and are open to all Video Pool members in good standing. Visits will be 40-50 mins in length. Participants will be asked to bring a short sample of their work. Appointments will be made on a first come, first served basis. Space is limited.