Call for Workshop Instructors

VP is seeking artists, technicians and educators to provide training workshops in our space. We are interested in topics exploring tech and media arts that engage our membership and encourage new avenues of practice in tech arts.
We’re most interested in workshops that can be offered in hybrid formats (in-person and online), and in courses that extend beyond a single standalone class. That said, if you have an idea for an in-person only, one day workshop, we’d still love to hear about it!
If you have a course or workshop that you think would be a good fit for VP, please use the form below to tell us about it. If your idea isn’t totally fleshed out yet and you’d like to chat about it, or if you have any questions that would help you complete this form better, please contact Scott at
This is an ongoing call with no particular deadline. All workshop instructors will be compensated for their work for VP.