ITAPI Call for Applications
Application Details:
- Deadline: January 30, 2022
- ITAPI Dates: May 11-25, 2022
- Location: Winnipeg MB (See call details)
- To Apply: Send your Biography and CV to

“ITAPI” (Swampy Cree for ‘Look Here’)
Video Pool Media Arts Centre (VP) has a call for submissions for Indigenous artists of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the Northwest Territories that are working with various forms of audio-video, immersive technology (VR/360), and multimedia in their artwork and films to apply for a 2-week residency in Winnipeg, Manitoba between May 11 - 25, 2022.
The residency will be self-directed with optional guidance, direction, and presentations from established visiting artists. This residency opens up opportunities to explore the Winnipeg and surrounding areas in order to become more familiar with the arts and music scene by visiting galleries, venues, and arts locations around the city.
Eight artists will be selected for the residency through a juried process. All artists selected to attend the residency will have their flights and accommodations covered, all artists will be paid an honorarium of $500, and all artists will receive $50/day per diem. Video Pool Media Arts Centre will be closed to the public during the residency, and all equipment and facilities in the production centre, gallery and venue will be made available for residency participants at no cost.
Residency hosts are Casey Koyczan and Peatr Thomas, who will invite instructors and speakers to join for portions of the residency.
To apply please send your Biography and CV by January 30, 2022 to:
We require that everyone coming in person to the residency be vaccinated based on public health regulations. If you would like to take part in the residency and attend in person for any reason we will be offering a hybrid residency; group sessions will be online, we will find ways to get you equipment to work on projects where you are, and connect you with community members throughout the residency.
The residency is being presented in partnership with the National Indigenous Media Arts Coalition and is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts.
About the Residency Hosts
Casey Koyczan
Inspired by history, culture, technology, and their interactions with the human world, Casey Koyczan seeks to bridge the gap between visual and audio art. His large-scale artworks provide compositional value and experimental techniques to achieve his aesthetic; previous installations take on traits of amorphous beings that are invading or reclaiming space in modern architecture. Now as an interdisciplinary artist, he utilizes a wide skill-set within media-based outlets such as experimental video and virtual reality as a platform to present his visions.
Casey has acquired a Multimedia Production Diploma from Lethbridge College, a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Thompson Rivers University, and is attending the University of Manitoba for their Master of Fine Arts program. His artwork has been shown across Canada and in parts of Europe and South America. He is also a musician, actor, writer, and overall arts advocate for future generations in the Northwest Territories.
Peatr Thomas
Peatr Thomas spent his childhood on both his mother and father’s reservations; Cross Lake and Bloodvein Manitoba. Growing up practicing indigenous tradition and culture, it was his introduction to painting from an indigenous perspective from a young age. Being a direct product from the residential schools his parents attended, it was not always easy.
Moving to Winnipeg, MB for high-school in the year 2000, he soon picked up skateboarding, and through his friends he was being introduced to ‘urban art’. With these two new ways of output, Peatr was able to cope with the struggles.
Fast forward 8 years and he took part in his first of many art exhibits, selling his first piece at his first show. Combining both indigenous teachings with the urban art forms.
Since then Peatr has had his shirt designs across Canada in chain stores, has done multiple video productions for organizations, curated art exhibits and conducted many art related programs for schools, community centres, and youth camps; some have been with the Winnipeg Art Gallery, including their exhibit ‘Boarder X’ with taking part in the floor mural, ramp building/painting inside the gallery, and live painting on shoes for guests.
We acknowledge that we are gathered on the homeland of the Métis Nation and on the ancestral lands of Treaty One, traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples.
- For more information: Please contact