Join VP's Board of Directors!
Video Pool Media Arts Centre is seeking candidates to fill various positions on its Board of Directors.

About the Board
Being a member of the Board requires commitment, leadership, decision-making abilities, community-mindedness, strong communication and interpersonal skills, and dedication to spurring VP on to new levels of artistic and financial success. It is a rewarding experience that allows one to gain new insights and develop new skills that will aid in future endeavours.
We are prioritizing BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, disabled, and other marginalized people in our search, as we are aware that our organization has historically been led by white people, and we are actively working toward dismantling systemic oppression through, among other things, changes in our leadership and governance.Ā
Ideal candidates will be arts and cultural industry professionals who carry a strong interest in contemporary media arts practices, have experience or interest in fundraising, fiscal management, governance or being a part of a team. Candidates must also be community-minded and possess good communication and interpersonal skills. Previous experience in the not-for-profit sector or with other Artist-Run Centres is an asset. Professional training in the arts is not required.
Roles and Responsibility of Board Members:
- Membership is encouraged but not required.
- Serve a minimum two-year term. Directors are elected by the Board at the Annual General Meeting and The Board, by majority vote, may fill vacancies that occur between AGMs due to resignation or removal from office of elected directors.
- Attend monthly meetings (except during summer months) and read the material provided prior to each meeting (minutes, agenda), and pass on any items to be added to the agenda to the Secretary in a timely manner.
- Encouraged to sit on a committee to assist with oversight of organization and initiation of special projects.
- Encouraged attendance at VP events (openings, workshops, screenings, etc.)
- Prep and attendance at the Annual General Meeting.
- Act and serveĀ in theĀ best interests of VP.
We invite interested individuals to begin a conversation by introducing themselves, their reasons for wanting to join, and a resume, by email to