Matt Smith Artist in Residence

We are looking forward to having Matt Smith as our Artist In Residence! Matt has been involved in media arts since the 1990s in a variety of capacities and has worked for the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria, co-founded the loose collective of technicians and artists, FirstFloor Electronix, co-hosted the highly experimental FirstFlooRadioshow on CITR in Vancouver, and produced sound-art and radio shows for international broadcast. Matt founded Artist Run Limousine which between 2003 and 2009 spawned a series of international productions of “Audiomobile”, and, as a member of the Second Site Collective, created an environmental sound piece using his remote-sensing software at Sun Yat Sen Garden spring of 2013. In 2013 a solo-show at CSA in Vancouver featured photography related works from 2008 to 2013. His interests are largely focussed on technical photography and digital networks, with a variety of projects exploring perception – not only of space and time, but also the technological ecology that we surround ourselves with.
Matt is giving a workshop at Video Pool (September 26/27) teaching participants how to connect popular creative real-time media environments (PD, Processing, other open-source software), to a simple, commercial laser-scanner. The workshop will cover basic laser-scanner operation, it’s overall limitations and capabilities, and will focus on using a computer to control the laser-scanner in real-time. Workshop participants will work collaboratively to develop a laser show to play inside Eckhardt Hall at the WAG. Matt’s piece is to be comprised of video clips of people dancing transposed into a laser show and triggered by music on the outside wall of the Winnipeg Art Gallery during Nuit Blanche 2017. The public is invited to contribute dance moves, poses or other movement by either visiting Poolside Gallery during the last half of September or submitting material online.