Mediations: Media Arts Residency 2018-19 Exhibition

Karen Asher | Valérie Chartrand | Daniel Shane

January 17 – February 21 2020 | Poolside Gallery
Opening reception: 7pm Friday January 17, 2020

Throughout the past year, Karen Asher, Valérie Chartrand, Daniel Shane and Davis Plett have been both expanding on-going personal projects as well as creating new work while participating in Video Pool’s Media Arts Residency program. While approaching their work from disparate origins and aesthetics, these four fabulous artists have found common ground in using technology as a mediating factor in further exploring and understanding the environment and ecology, issues around the fabricated reality / dis-reality as seen through data and the body as centered between the dream world of memory and that of the document.

NOTE: Davis Plett will be performing their work at an up-coming Temporal Contours concert.

For more information on our residencies, including the Media Arts Residency please visit HERE

Mediations – Poolside Gallery
Black Magic – Karen Asher

Karen Asher – Black Magic

Black Magic explores a fragment of my mother’s life. Working with slides I found after her death, the video reimagines her identity, allowing me to reinterpret our difficult relationship.

Black Magic attempts to explore a fragment of my mother’s life. Working with slides I found after her death, the video is just me farting around cuz it was too difficult working with images of my dead mom.

Thank You: Elise, Hayley, Ryan & Kevin

Valérie Chartrand: Cyclical Emergence

Ecological awareness is saturated with nothingness, a shimmering or flickering, a shadowplay of presence and absence intertwined. — Timothy Morton

Cyclical emergence events bring attention to insects that have always been present in the environment. As emergences make us pay attention to certain species, they also reveal human interference in insect life cycles.

Globally, considerable resources are spent to control the presence of insects in the environment with pesticides, traps, and bio-controls. Indirectly, artificial light, electromagnetic waves, urban infrastructure, pollution, and climate change resulting from human activity are responsible for plummeting insect numbers.

Cyclical Emergence – Valérie Chartrand
if && then equals true – Daniel McCafferty

Daniel Shane : if && then equals true 

if && then equals true is a single channel, generative video essay made with open source programming languages and technologies. The video is a reflection on automation, data, what is true and false, visible and invisible, legitimate and illegitimate.