New Acquisitions
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Hoop Dancers by David Garneau
2013 | 5:40
Hoop Dancers is a silent video featuring four young men in powwow regalia playing pick-up basketball. The video also shows young Indigenous men engaging the contemporary world while also enjoying traditional cultural practices. It is a celebration of athleticism, cultural continuity, adaptation and beauty.

Untitled by James Dixon
2019 | 1:20
Video collage that approaches memory and how we remember, by overlaying images and sound, to create a disorienting moment in time.

Homegrown by James Dixon
2019 | 4:10
An experimental documentary that explores the complicated process of decolonization and reveals how our memory and history are engrained in our sense of identification. The search for personal and cultural identification are seen through the layered images and real-time audio, a disorienting sequence of images, which recreates the overwhelming experience of exploring who you are, and where you came from.

Wash Day by David Garneau
2014 | 3:12
In an urban backyard a clown washes an oil-soaked owl. He is moved but also disgusted. He tries to treat the being with dignity but is afraid of contamination. He is engaged in a dubious ritual but has feeling for it. It remembers my father who was dying at the time.

Rinsed Ravioli by Steve Basham
2018 | 1:35
An experiment in sauce exchange.

reading wild lands (dispersal 6-18-048-02 W5) by Alana Bartol
2018 | 6:57
Iron filings and magnets become tools of divination as a dowser conducts a site reading of a drill cuttings sample from an abandoned oil well in Alberta, Canada.
reading wild lands (dispersal 12-04-039-08 W4) by Alana Bartol
2018 | 9:39
Iron filings and magnets become tools of divination as a dowser conducts a site reading of a drill cuttings sample from an abandoned oil well in Alberta, Canada.

Numb by Kristin Flattery
2018 | 4:06
Numb, questions Kanata’s relationship with Indigenous peoples, allowing the viewer to contemplate the next 150 year relationship. Numb, regards the children who fled Residential School in freezing temperatures using the railway to guide them. Numb, also pays homage to my Dakota ancestors who were dispossessed of their land and forced to move in harsh temperatures to unfavorable or inhabitable areas lacking resources. Finally, it pays tribute to a young woman who was brutally assaulted and fled barefoot into the woods where she perished.

The Tremendous Adventures of Kai and Tojo by Winona Bearshield
2018 | 0:43
Winona made this video through the Indigenous Media Arts Initiative at Video Pool Media Arts Centre in 2018. Her inspiration came from her dogs Kai and Tojo, their playful attitudes and the joy they bring to her life. The video was made with a love of animation and the inspiration Winona get from other animators making fun work.

#personalpractice by Briar Boyko
2016 | 8:42
what authority do archives hold over the past?
a daily video documentation spanning one year, beginning 1 May 2015 until 30 April 2016. the original 366 clips have been digitally decayed using various deterioration methods.

Grow Up by Michael Captain
2018 | 2:08
This video is seen how you see it. The things you hear is how you hear it. I’m not going to tell you how to feel when you watch my video. You see what you want to see.

High Altitude by Victoria N. Inglis
2018 | 3:59
High Altitude explores what it means the be an Indigenous artist in the modern world. Being a youth in a fast paced digital arts scene, Inglis poetically explores the ideas of decolonization, racism, creativity, and life on lands of broken agreements. Though poetry they explore ways to go back to the land and heal.