Pieces of the Archive

Free Online Video Screening Program

Pieces of the Archive – Free Online Video Screening Program
Ryan Takatsu, 4 Pocket Videos: Quarantine 2021(video still), 2021

Video Pool Media Arts Centre is excited to present the program Pieces of the ArchivePieces of the Archive shows a small cross section of work from the Video Pool Media Arts Centre’s collection. Looking back at the collection that spans almost forty years of collecting it is hard to tell the story of  the history of video art in Manitoba. The five works in this program do not even attempt to do that, however they explore ideas of, experimental practice, performance, social discourse, identity, culture, and gender. These are recurring themes in the majority of work in the collection. If you enjoy any of these five videos, you will find so much more in our collection that will interest you.

Featuring work by Chantel Mierau, Ryan Takatsu, Kristin Flattery, James Dixon and Sahar Abarasteh.

February 23 – March 9, 2021

Image description:
Glitchy, psychedelic video still. The image features many bright colours, yellows, blues, greens, purples and pinks, with some black and white details. At the bottom of the image is a hot pink banner that lists the program details in white font and shows a version of the Video Pool Media Arts Centre logo which is a white “V” and a black “P” in pixel-like font, beneath it is VUCAVU’s logo which is teal font.