Safer Spaces Policy
Video Pool Media Arts Centre Safer Spaces Policy 2022

VP considers this a living document and welcomes suggestions from the community. At minimum, we will review this document annually and will consider all suggestions shared by our community. To suggest changes or additions, including additional resources, please reach out to or any staff member you feel most comfortable addressing.
Date of Approval / Review: August 8, 2022
Who We Are And What We Hope To Achieve Within Our Space
VP aims to be a welcoming, inclusive space based on principles of a community of care*. We offer a safer space for exploration and experimentation, where members are comfortable to play within an artmaking context. We are building a space in which we actively listen to each other in order to create an innovative, expressive, and productive space for staff, board and members to interact and actively support community movements. Our staff, board, and programs aim to be adaptable, fresh, open and humble while embracing different approaches to technology and its aesthetics, and to different approaches of working outside of a colonial context.
*In a community of care, we "use our power, privilege, and resources to better the people who are both in and out of our scope of reach." It is also activism, practicing anti-racism, calling out injustices, donating to or supporting organizations and social movements, or simply asking someone, “What do you need and how can I help you?”
--taken from
What Is Not Tolerated/Accepted
Within VP’s facilities and programs, there is zero tolerance for racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, ableism, sizeism, ageism, sexual violence, sex-negativity, cultural appropriation, oppression, or general aggressiveness toward anyone. We will not tolerate any overt, or implied activity, attitude or language, including microaggressions, that may perpetuate oppression, including verbal, emotional or physical violence of any kind, and the inappropriate use of structural, physical or mental power, and will not discriminate based on emotional or intellectual abilities, socio-economic status or religion.
Consequences For Breaking This Agreement
In any incident that leaves staff, board, members or guests vulnerable, injured or uncomfortable, VP will strive to use a survivor-centered approach, considering the safety and security of the person who experienced the harm first and will expect that anyone involved in such a situation will work accordingly. All reports of unsafe behaviour will be treated with care and respect and will remain confidential.
Depending on the incident and its impact on the person who experienced the harm or impact on the VP community, VP will take the following actions:
- Warning / Discussion: After the first incident VP will issue a verbal and/or written warning to the offender and they may be asked to leave until the safety and security of the person who experienced the harm and/or VP community can be assured.
- Membership Revocation: A member may lose their membership and their ability to access VP for either production access, events, workshops, distribution, or all of the above.
- Performers and other artists being brought in to VP may have their contracts canceled.
- VP staff or board will discuss the incident/complaint, in confidence, with the accused and it will be up to the VP staff and board as to whether to offer a second chance to the accused. If the appropriate VP parties and the person who experienced the harm decide to allow the offender back, they will be given one warning.
- VP reserves the right to nullify any agreement with an artist-in-residence or presenter of any kind who does not comply with this policy.
- VP reserves the right to remove any patrons or members who do not comply with this policy.
- VP reserves the right to suspend or cancel any membership, without refund, for anyone that does not comply with this policy.
Process Outline
- VP will strive to create a fair and equitable resolution utilizing input from appropriate parties, including staff, board, the person who experienced the harm, and/or an outside resource.
- VP will endeavour to have a survivor-focused and procedurally fair process, accommodating all parties while acting in accordance with the safety and security of everyone involved as priority.
- Complaints will be addressed confidentially, and will include a follow-up proposed course of action.
- VP will initiate a response to the person who was harmed within seven days and will endeavour to address any complaints with care and respect in a timely manner.
- VP will make available a list of emergency resources on our website.
If You Have Experienced Violence Or Harm
We take incidents of oppression, discrimination and violence seriously and we are here to support you.
- It is not your fault if you have experienced acts of oppression, discrimination and violence.
- While navigating a violation to our safer spaces policy, you have the right to support, which can include bringing a friend or support person when meeting with VP.
- VP will work to support you with respect and confidentiality while navigating our policy.
- VP staff and board will receive annual training on creating safer spaces and responding to crises in a trauma informed and anti-oppressive manner.
- VP can support you in connecting to further supports including community health care, mental health, medical, legal and cultural supports.
- If you do not feel comfortable with the manner in which your case is being handled, you have the right to further support which can include reaching out to another member of staff, management or board.
Who To Contact If You Need Support
If you are the person who experienced the harm in an incident contrary to this policy, please contact one of the VP staff that you are most comfortable approaching. You are encouraged to include a friend or support person on any correspondence or for any meetings as needed.
If preferred, a board member can be made available to you to discuss the situation
A third party professional from Red Tent Winnipeg can be made available upon request or may be called in by VP at our discretion.
Many thanks to Hemali Krueger Vyas and the team at Red Tent Winnipeg for their support in creating this document.