Upcoming screenings and new titles from the distribution department
Tag: News (page 3)
Distribution News – Winter 2024
Upcoming screenings and new titles from the distribution department
Distribution News – October Update
Upcoming screenings and new titles from the distribution department
Distribution News
New acquisitions and recent screenings in VP Distribution
Distribution News
Upcoming activities and news from the distribution department
VP is Turning 40!
We Really Are Turning 40!
It’s a Media Arts MID-LIFE CRISIS!
It’s a Media Arts MID-LIFE CRISIS!
On January 19th, 1983, a small collection of folks put their names on a piece of paper, making Video Pool Inc. a reality in the eyes of governments and funding bodies. Of course, we know there are signatories and historically significant moments, but we also know that histories and movements are not sudden events spawned out of nowhere, but rather the work and dedication of a multitude of individuals.