i.o with Darcy Bunio

On May 19th, limitless percussionist i.o (Victoria) returns to The Output for a live collaboration with guitarist Darcy Bunio, following their stunning 2022 duet. Don’t miss this opportunity to see two of Canada’s finest improvisers working at the limits of their instruments, with a solo performance from i.o.
Abstract image with AI-A-Thon text

AI-A-THON: Call for Indigenous Artists

Harbour Collective, in partnership with Video Pool Media Arts Centre, are responding to the disproportionate and biased imagery of Indigenous art within artificial intelligence and machine learning. The AI-A-THON will bring together four facilitators and up to 15 guest Indigenous artists to contribute to the development of contemporary First Nation, Metis and Inuit artists represented within the AI environment through a series of online and in person LABs.

MATR recipients || Lee Jones & Greta Grip

It is our pleasure to announce Greta Grip and Lee Jones as the 2023 recipients of the Media Art + Technology Residency (MATR). In response to our call, (de)PRESS(i)ON, these two artists have proposed an evolving/devolving, interactive, data-collecting, technology and craft related artwork that will respond not only to VP’s gallery, but will involve ways of including other areas of the building while drawing together ideas and inspiration from both historical and current activities.
Three tall, narrow, framed signs on a black background with vertical writing. The first sign says "MATR" the second says De (in blue)Press (in black) i (in blue) ON (in black). The third sign says 2023.

Media Arts + Technology Residency – Call for Applications

Video Pool Media Arts Centre is pleased to announce our upcoming Media Art + Technology Residency (MATR).

The theme for MATR this year will be (de)PRESS(i)ON, and is a part of a year-long program celebrating and exploring VP’s 40th anniversary, what we are referring to as our Mid-life Crisis™. The VP mid-life crisis™ series will feature programs from the six stages of a typical mid-life crisis: Denial, Passion; Replay, Depression, Withdrawal, and Acceptance.
For MATR, we are asking artists to “Press On” with us… to persist, continue and to advance technology-based art while delving into the past 4 decades of VP history.

A small gallery with seven speakers hanging from the ceiling, forming a circle in the middle of the gallery. The view is from behind the speaker circle.

There is a Point at Which Methods Devour Themselves || Pedro Oliveira

Video Pool Media Arts Centre has teamed up with Send + Receive: A Festival of Sound to present a multi-channel sound piece by Pedro Oliveira. “There is a Point at Which Methods Devour Themselves” (2020) is a multi-channel sound piece on the limits and failures of machine and human listening. Commissioned by the Max-Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (Frankfurt, DE).
Jason stands over a modular synthesizer that is in front of him as he reaches to his right to adjust knobs on a small mxer.

Jason Kahn || B.P. || forestine

Jason Kahn   ||  B.P.  ||  Forestine An evening of Sound Art Performance Details:Date: June 9, 2022, 7PM Tickets: $15 at the door Location: The Output – 2nd floor Artspace   Sign Up For Jason Kahn’s Workshop Here Video Pool Media…
sonic trails image

Ă–rjan Sandred and Max Sandred | Sonic Trails: Lockdown

“Sonic Trails : Lockdown” is a multimedia installation reflecting on a city in Covid-19 lockdown. Using algorithms for Artificial Intelligence, a visitor is transferred between concrete and abstract experiences in a 3-dimensional world created through projections on semi-transparent screens and a multi-channel loudspeaker system. The installation is created by Max and Örjan Sandred and is based on material recorded during the 2021 pandemic in Winnipeg.