Coming Changes to the Multi-Channel Suite

BIG changes are coming to the Multi-Channel Suite (MCS)
AT VPMAC, we love to encourage our community to push the boundaries of art through the use of technology, we love it! The MCS, as it was, really only served a format that isn't flexible enough for us, so we got rid of that desk and some of the gear, and we're adding this little pal. The RME Advanced Control will allow us to directly control....
drum roll please...
THE EIGHT (8) CHANNEL SPEAKER SYSTEM that will live in the space soon. We want our members to have access to a true multi-channel creation space, where audio art can be created in stereo, quad, octa, half-a dozen - whatever your piece calls for. The remote connects seamlessly to the AES card, and give us a ton of options to fully control the new setup. This will truly be multi-channel.
Stay tuned for updates and images as the room comes together.
Eusebio is open to any questions or concerns at