Tech News: October 2024

Panasonic PT-RZ120 Installation Projector
We purchased 4 of these units, with 4 standard lenses and 2 DLE-035 lenses a couple of years ago, but we feel like they need a shout out this month because of their outstanding capabilities.
Did you attend Nuit Blanche 2024, and happen upon the giant wall of water outside of the CMHR? Well, that water was projected using all 4 of these beauties and their standard lenses.
The projector is rated a 12,000 lumens, which is bright enough to blind you (the manual outlines a zone in which you might as well look at the sun if you're going to look into the lens while projecting). The internal correction software allows for incredibly flexible installation, including the ability to blend as many of these units as you want together. It also has very generous horizontal and vertical lens shift.
With the standard lens, you can project a 30' wide image from 60' back. Use the DLE-060 lens, you only need to be 20' back. We have also acquired one DLE-035, and a 30' wide image can be achieved from 11'. Wow.
Imagine that kind of projection on the side of a building...that's what these are used for. And we have 4 of them! If they get rented more, we promise to put the revenue into buying more lenses! So start planning your projects and come by today!
Check out some more info on the unit here, and as always, if you have any questions about the tech dept, always feel free to reach out to