VP Learning Laboratories – Digital Portals: 3D Animation (Blender)
Have you ever wanted to learn how to create and animate 3D objects?

Workshop Details:
Date: Wed, Nov 17th + 24th 6PM CST
Location: Online - Video Pool Media Arts Centre
Fees: FREE - Pay what you can
Limit: 10 participants
Instructor: Hiba Ali
In this 2-part workshop, we will learn the basics of 3D animation with Blender, an open-source 3D animation program. As a source of inspiration, we will learn about the history, theory and examples of 3D animation and art.
In the first workshop, we will learn the basics of 3D animation. In the second workshop, we will learn more advanced options based on participants’ interests. Attendees can share their work from experimenting during the week for feedback as well.
Click here to sign up!
About the instructor:
Hiba Ali is a producer of moving images, sounds, couture and words. They reside in many time zones: Chicago, Toronto and Eugene. Born in Karachi, Pakistan, they belong to East African, South Asian and Arab diasporas. They are a practitioner and (re)learner of Swahili, Urdu, Arabic and Spanish languages. They work on two long term art and publication projects: an art-based PhD project that examines womyn of colour’s labour, and architecture of surveillance as it exists within the monopoly of Amazon (corp.) and the Black Indian Ocean project which features the music, cloth and ritual of African descent communities across the Indian Ocean region through music, cloth and ritual.
They are an Assistant Professor of New Media Artist/ Feminist Discourse at the College of Design in the Art & Technology Program at the University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. Currently, they are a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario. Their work has been presented in Chicago, Stockholm, Vienna, Berlin, Toronto, New York, Istanbul, São Paulo, Detroit, Windsor, Dubai, Austin, Vancouver, and Portland. They have written for the following magazines: “C”, THE SEEN, Newcity Chicago, Art Chicago, Art Dubai, The State, Medium’s ZORA, RTV, and Topical Cream.
- For more information: Please contact the Education Manager at heidi@videopool.org