Zones of Inhibition: Biotech / Art Workshop

Instructor Niki Sperou (Adelaide, South Australia)

Workshop Info:

Deadline to apply: October 30, 2013
Workshop Dates: December 5 -8, 2013
Workshop Location: Video Pool Media Arts Centre – Unit 300, 100 Arthur St. Winnipeg, Canada

Call For Participants

Video Pool Media Art Centre, INCUBATOR Lab at the University of Windsor and Plug In ICA announce a call for artist-participants for Zones of Inhibition, a four-day workshop about Biotech Arts, as part of the upcoming project TOXICITY (which includes an exhibition, symposium, workshop at Plug In ICA and Video Pool Media Arts).

Image: Niki Sperou

The cost of the workshop is $100, including laboratory materials. Participants from out of town must organize their own travel and accommodation. Due to the nature of this workshop, we are able to accept only 12 participants in total. To ensure a broad range of people with different levels and kinds of experience and expertise, we ask each applicant to submit their CV/portfolio along with a (250 word maximum) letter of intent to no later than OCTOBER 30, 2013. [Please include ZONES OF INHIBITION in the subject heading.]
Selected participants will be notified by 10 November 2013.