Artist Talk: Cyborg Plants with Michael Lucenkiw

In the age of the internet of things, a wide spread sensory enhanced landscape is a highly plausible occurrence. How can a designer interact with technology to create place in this new environment? What will this environment be like? What does this mean for plant life? To tackle these questions, a cyborg plant was created that integrates with sensors and is capable of detecting several environmental conditions as well as the bio-electrical inside the plant.

Watch Caroline Monnet Artist Talk

Watch – Caroline Monnet – Artist Talk

From September 5 – 27, 2014 Video Pool Media Arts Centre presented “Amik(waa)”, an installation by multi-disciplinary artist Caroline Monnet. The show took place at Gurevich Fine Art in association with their exhibition “In Celebration of Women’s Art” in recognition of Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art’s (MAWA) 30th anniversary.
In this talk Monnet discusses her work “Amik(waa)”. The installation investigates the connections between the inherent knowledge of Monnet’s Algonquin ancestry — the Beaver Clan — and the natural world. Monnet’s sacred eight pointed geometric and mirrored installation echoes the ceremonial lodge of her ancestors, sharpening our visual and metaphysical conditions that allow us to view the past, the present and the future as a mirrored and personally reflective surface. With the inclusion of an audible soundscape, the installation invites all our senses to partake in an experience that spans across generations and cultures, and connects the beaver to the knowledge she holds sacred.

Heath Bunting

Heath Bunting will lead an outdoor survival workshop with the goal of training artists in survival techniques so they can out-live the organised crime networks during the final crisis. The workshop will cover fire, water, food, shelter and improvised tools.
Heath Bunting Artist Talk

Watch Heath Bunting Artist Talk

Based in the UK, Heath Bunting focuses on the development of open democratic and communication systems and social structures on the Internet and in the public space. He is a co-founder of Recently, he has moved into the field of genetics proclaiming it to be the next new media, and is also making steps towards producing work within financial networks, believing money to be the ultimate media for artistic practice.
Risa Hororwitz Artist Talk

Watch Risa Horowitz Artist Talk

Risa Horowitz spent the month of May 2014 as an Artist in Residence at Video Pool. While here, she developed ideas and prototypes for her work in progress ‘Imaging Saturn’. ‘Imaging Saturn’ visualizes the planet’s motion during the course of its 29 year-long orbit around the sun. In this talk Horowitz shares her processes and experiences in developing a series of micro-controlled kinetic sculptures of the planet that, with image recording devices, will depict its appearance throughout its orbit.

Risa Horowitz – Artist Talk

Horowitz will present her work in progress, Imaging Saturn. The project visualizes the planet’s motion during the course of its 29 year-long orbit around the sun. She will share her processes and experiences in developing a series of micro-controlled kinetic sculptures of the planet that, with image recording devices, will depict its appearance throughout its orbit.

Skot Deeming (aka mrghosty) – Artist Talk

Join Skot Deeming (aka mrghosty) for a curatorial talk on the practice of curating games and game based artworks. Skot will briefly outline the history of the employment of video games in contemporary art practice and discuss his vision for the curation of such artworks.What condiserations must be made when selecting this kind of work? What are the spaces, critical and aesthetic concerns in curating video games and game art? This discussion will span the indie video game making scene, art games, video game modding practices, ROMhacking, bootlegs and more.