Digital Dramaturgy Initiative

Call For Applications

Deadline for applications – Friday, March 12th, 2021, 5:00 pm CST

Digital Dramaturgy Initiative banner

The Winnipeg Residency – June 21-26/2021  at Video Pool Media Arts
Synthesizing Digital and Live Theatre

The Manitoba Association of Playwrights (MAP) is looking for participants for a week-long residency workshop (June 21 to 26, 2021), taking place at Video Pool Media Arts Centre, exploring the integration of digital technology and expertise in early stages of story creation and project development.

MAP are looking for projects that envision a theatrical form that synthesizes digital platforms and live performance, inviting artists and performance companies to apply with relevant works-in-progress (early to mid-stage of development).  MAP, along with local partners VP and Manufacturing Entertainment, will meet with selected artists to devise a practical workshop that best serves their project. We will provide digital technology, equipment, and expertise to support each project’s dramaturgical investigation.

Each participating artist will receive a $750 honorarium.