VP40 written in the old VHS font

VP is Turning 40!

We Really Are Turning 40!
It’s a Media Arts MID-LIFE CRISIS!

On January 19th, 1983, a small collection of folks put their names on a piece of paper, making Video Pool Inc. a reality in the eyes of governments and funding bodies. Of course, we know there are signatories and historically significant moments, but we also know that histories and movements are not sudden events spawned out of nowhere, but rather the work and dedication of a multitude of individuals.

Kim's Convenience still shot putting up a CLOSED sign

Happy Holidays from VPMAC!

Yep it’s true… VP will be closed until January 9th. You are welcome to send us holiday cheer via email or snail mail, and any questions you have will hopefully be ok to wait until January!

Happy Holidays from all of us at VPMAC

VP’s 2022 AGM

Video Pool Media Arts Centre invites you to attend our Annual General Meeting for the year ending June 30, 2022.

The meeting will take place November 30, 2022 at 7PM in The Output. Please read on for RSVP and other info.

Three tall, narrow, framed signs on a black background with vertical writing. The first sign says "MATR" the second says De (in blue)Press (in black) i (in blue) ON (in black). The third sign says 2023.

Media Arts + Technology Residency – Call for Applications

Video Pool Media Arts Centre is pleased to announce our upcoming Media Art + Technology Residency (MATR).

The theme for MATR this year will be (de)PRESS(i)ON, and is a part of a year-long program celebrating and exploring VP’s 40th anniversary, what we are referring to as our Mid-life Crisis™. The VP mid-life crisis™ series will feature programs from the six stages of a typical mid-life crisis: Denial, Passion; Replay, Depression, Withdrawal, and Acceptance.
For MATR, we are asking artists to “Press On” with us… to persist, continue and to advance technology-based art while delving into the past 4 decades of VP history.

Pocket Cinema Package

Pocket Cinema 4K Packages New Pocket Cinema camera’s all decked out! More Power! Having taken in your feedback about the Pocket Cinema 4K’s, we’ve augmented them with some flashy new equipment. Each camera now has: Atomos Shinobi 5″ display Samsung…
VP's logo with the words "Safer Sapces Policy" on the right side, all in fuschia.

Safer Spaces Policy 2022

Announcing VP’s new Safer Spaces Policy, a document that is meant to guide the organization and it’s partners, members, friends and audiences as we work towards creating a welcoming and enjoyable organization for everyone.

Anna Costa e Silva Open Studio

Terremoto, Ubisoft, and Video Pool Media Arts Centre present a screening and open studio with Anna Costa e Silva, facilitated with local curator Mariana Muñoz Gomez. Costa e Silva is currently an artist in residence in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada through Terremoto x Ubisoft, working on various projects expanding her performative and media arts practice, collaborating with Ubisoft employees. Join us for a screening of her video tremor-tentativa | tremor-attempt, and a dialogue between the artist and Muñoz Gomez as Costa e Silva presents on previous artworks and works in progress. tremor-tentativa will also screen throughout the afternoon.