infographic announcing the hiring of a summer intern

Job Posting: Collections and Digitization Assistant

Video Pool Media Arts Centre is hiring for the position of Digitization and Collections Assistant. This is a 12-week position at 30 hours/week. This position is supported by the Young Canada Works program, as such, we are looking for a current student under the age of 30 who will be returning to school in the fall.

Job Posting: Education Contract

VP is seeking applications for an Education Program Development (EPD) contract position. The position will be the lead in developing a new HyFlex Learning (Hybrid/Flexible) educational program for VP and will include: HyFlex research and development, program conceptualization and development, instructor training and recruitment, grant-writing and funding research, partnership development, and technical implementation.
altered image from the game 'Among Us' with a small orange game character top centre among animation drawing of flames shooting across the image right to left with text "Annual General Meeting"

2023 AGM

Prepare for the excitement of an AGM but beware the Agenda! Meet with VP Staff and Board online or via The Output as you attempt to learn about the 2022-23 year and our thrilling new plans for thriving… but be careful. One or more random members among the attendees are going to want to get even more involved and deepen their connection to being…. Among Us! Nov 30, 2023!
Dimly lit room showing three computer monitors with various audio tools on screen, desk with rackmounted audio equipment, and a midi control keyboard.

MCS Computer Update

Remember when we said we’d be moving away from Apple products?

Well, we just installed a power house of a PC in the Multi-Channel Suite (MCS). Same audio gear, but the computer now runs an Intel i9 13th Gen processor, 128gb of DDR5 RAM, and an Asus TI OC 4070 graphics card. SO MUCH POWER FOLKS.

Job Call: Facilities + Admin Assistant

Video Pool Media Arts Centre is seeking someone to fill the part-time role of Facilities and Administration Coordinator, working across various departments and acting as one of the primary contacts for members accessing VP’s equipment and facilities, especially VP’s venue, The Output.