Exhibition & Event Archive
Past Video Pool Media Arts Centre programming and events
Active Research Lecture by Kegan McFadden
Channel Surfing: Four Works from the Video Commission ResidencyÂ
In 2022, Video Pool Media Arts Centre launched our first-ever Video Commission Residency (VCR). During the residency, VP commissioned 4 artists to create new works responding to the prompt of “channel surfing.” The artists selected were: Warren Chan (ON), Jaye Kovach (SK), Sarah Boo (ON), and pluetoe (MB) each of whom produced unique and clever perspectives on the theme. VP is pleased to present this program of their works, available to watch for free between March 21st – April 4th (2023)
AI-A-THON: Call for Indigenous Artists
MATR recipients || Lee Jones & Greta Grip
Alexandra Elliott || Live Performed Improvisation
Being & Belonging – Day With(out) Art 2022
The program features new work by Clifford Prince King, Jaewon Kim, Mikiki, Davina “Dee” Conner & Karin Hayes, Camila Arce, Jhoel Zempoalteca & La Jerry, and Camilo Acosta Huntertexas & Santiago Lemus.
A/V Concert with Novi_sad, Casey Koyczan + Taylor McArthur
This is a show you will not want to miss with special performances from both artists…
Media Arts + Technology Residency – Call for Applications
The theme for MATR this year will be (de)PRESS(i)ON, and is a part of a year-long program celebrating and exploring VP’s 40th anniversary, what we are referring to as our Mid-life Crisis™. The VP mid-life crisis™ series will feature programs from the six stages of a typical mid-life crisis: Denial, Passion; Replay, Depression, Withdrawal, and Acceptance.
For MATR, we are asking artists to “Press On” with us… to persist, continue and to advance technology-based art while delving into the past 4 decades of VP history.